5 Minute Friday…

5 Minute Friday… New

Writing under pressure… It is very simple, on Thursday evening a word prompt is shared by Kate and on Friday we give ourselves 5 minutes to write.
5 minutes!!  And without a grammar check or editing we post whatever came to our creative minds…
This week’s word is NEW…
Ready… Set… Go…
MaddyChristine Hope Photography-3987.LThis week Jesus met me at the cross, in a new way.  Very unexpectedly.  Sure my Father had been telling me He was doing a new thing.  I was to enter into a new season of healing of which He has been showing me, is going to be different from all other seasons of healing I went through.  It is going to be deeper and it is not by my doing.  My Father has told me to walk and just show up…
I went to church Tuesday evening, to show up… Jesus had a plan for me.  I will spare you the details for now but Jesus took me personally to the cross.  
When Jesus hung at the cross and seemed to have died, people wanted to be sure.  And so they took a spear and poked it right into his side.  He didn’t budge and they knew He was ‘gone’.  
When I was crying out all my wounds on Tuesday: father wounds, rejection wounds, incest wounds, you name it wounds… I finally landed at mother wounds.  I have never really thought about me having mother wounds because wasn’t it my dad who abused me?  And God showed me that I had wounds way before I was ever abused, mother wounds.  At some point I was asked where Jesus was when I was being abused.  And I said: “He just stood there.  He did nothing!” and I sobbed.  My hands were pulled out in front of me by the pastor… would I fill my hands with my mother wounds, with my rejection wounds?  Would I walk to the cross and stick it right into Jesus’ bleeding heart?  Right there, where it belongs.  Right there… that is why Jesus died.  For my wounds, my aches, my hurts.  I am not alone.  He has felt it all.  He knows.  And right there, He shows me He never ‘just stood there and did nothing’.  THIS is what He is doing at the cross.  And I understood.  I felt it.  And I will never look the same at the cross.  Jesus took me to the cross and let me feel it.  My Heavenly Father, although it looked horrible, loved on me in a very sweet way.  
I love that you are here and I certainly would love to hear from you.  To leave a comment go HERE ?

5 Minute Friday… Whisper

Writing under pressure… It is very simple, on Thursday evening a word prompt is shared by Kate and on Friday we give ourselves 5 minutes to write.
5 minutes!!  And without a grammar check or editing we post whatever came to our creative minds…
This week’s word is WHISPER…
Ready… Set… Go…
MaddyChristine Hope Photography-2173.LLast week I spend my week with a very special crowd.  And some in this special crowd are having to go through life having to whisper about who they are.  They can’t be themselves in public and they cannot stand for what they believe.
Oh how painful if I couldn’t say the things that I want to say.  Without speaking the things that just need to come out, I would not get the chance to be who I truly am.
And I stand still and feel very blessed.  I may need to learn to bite my tong every now and then 😉 ,  but I am full of ideas and I am quick to speak my mind.  The other side to being able to speak out loud and not having to whisper is that although speaking about my past is not easy for everyone around me, I need it.  By speaking out loud healing came my way.  No more secrets, no more lies and finally being honest with myself and what happened to me and how it has made me feel.  And today I no longer just speak because it is good for me, I have the desire to speak so hopefully it’ll be good for someone else.
But what if you feel you hold a truth and your loved ones do not have that truth and speaking about it causes a serious break between you and your loved one?  What if you got hurt but you are to keep it indoors because that is where private stuff stays?  What if you are exuberant and outgoing but it just doesn’t fit your culture?
The very special crowd I was with last week are the Amish.  I have some very very dear Amish friends.  And over the years I have come to know them better and better.  I have come to realize that many of them feel they have to go through life whispering.  The Old Order Amish come with set of rules.  If you believe anything other than what the bishop teaches you are in the wrong.  I have some friends who have stepped away from those rules and awakened to the truth that Jesus sets free.  And talking about it gets them into trouble.
I am merely here today to have us think about the opportunity we have.  Unlike some others, we can speak truth without any consequences.  Let’s use our voice to encourage, to build up, to be ourselves and blossom, to do good to those around us.  Plain and simple: No whispering for us.
I love that you are here and I certainly would love to hear from you.  To leave a comment go HERE !

5 Minute Friday… Reach

Writing under pressure… It is very simple, on Thursday evening a word prompt is shared by Kate and on Friday we give ourselves 5 minutes to write.
5 minutes!!  And without a grammar check or editing we post whatever came to our creative minds…
This week’s word is REACH…
Ready… Set… Go…
MaddyChristine Hope Photography-0994All of a sudden it was gone.  One moment from the next.
Peace was gone.
My body was restless, so was my mind.
My face all tense, pressure on my heart, heavy legs, and a headache.
I pray.  It doesn’t help.
I try to get distraction and turn on a show on our computer.
But I can’t sit still.  I sit up, I lay down, I sit back up.
I get a drink of water.
We pray together, it doesn’t help.
I feel awful.  I can’t seem to get a grip.
We have found several houses now, finally.  Will we finally move?
I want to control but I can’t.  It is out of my hands.  And I lost peace.
My mind racing, my body pounding.  My head getting worse.
And that is when I start to reach.  I try to see…
Oh I need to see.
Ann being my inspiration for this.  I grab my journal and start jotting down things I see.
It is hard.  I see nothing.  I only feel… and I am not comfortable.
26.  Condensation on the outside of my cold glass of water
27.  Tea pot on a tea light
28.  The green of plants inside our home
29.  Glasses on my nose so I can read
30.  A delicate neckless around my neck
31.  Nightly sounds
After jotting down all the way to number 46 I sense it.  Peace is here.
I rest.  My mind rests.  So does my body.
I am not in control.  I don’t want to be in control.
I lay in my husband’s arms and I continue writing down what I see.
47.  Husband caressing my leg
48.  A haircut
49.  Peace at my disposal
4.14 am  I wake up.  It’s happening again.  Peace is gone.  Anxiousness taking over.  Mind racing.  I am tired.  
After battling for 30 minutes and get up an grab my journal.
If I don’t reach nothing happens.
55.  Moon light
56.  A wonderful mattress to sleep on
57.  I see our quilt and I realize I have come to love sewing
58.  White all around me: walls, sheets, quilt
59.  A hot body next to me
60.  The sounds of a sleeping husband
61.  A breeze through the open window
And there it is… I have reached and peace finds me once again.
I love that you are here and I certainly would love to hear from you.  To leave a comment go HERE !

5 Minute Friday… Change

I have seen it every where, read about it a lot but never participated.  Writing under pressure… for some reason I think it’s time.
It is very simple, on Thursday evening a word prompt is shared by Kate and on Friday we give ourselves 5 minutes to write.
5 minutes!!  And without a grammar check or editing we post whatever came to our creative minds…
This week’s word is CHANGE…
MaddyChristine Hope Brokopp-0787This morning Tim reminded me that in the past, when change was at hand, life would always shut down for me.  Change equals healing here. And he is right, my healing has always been so intense that it would be what I focused on.  I would give it my all and yes, often I was not able to do life because I went so deep.  
I always expected my past to come up once I would be married, in ways that I wasn’t triggered before.  Marriage comes with commitment, with marriage comes intimacy, and not just sexual intimacy, and I was sure it would stir up certain memories, aches and fears.  And that is exactly what has been happening.  And I am glad, glad that it doesn’t stop there. God has more wholeness for me, more healing and He is bringing me to a beautiful place.  A place where I will want to shout out more for His glory, because of His healing work in me.
Healing is something I still seek after.  It is why I have another season of healing ahead of me.  I am going to do a 4 month ‘program’ called Living Waters.  But Tim said something very important now… change does not have to shut down life.  If anything change means moving towards something.  And I find relief… the coming months I can do life, I can be married, I can have intimacy, I can be joy as I heal.  I embrace this change.  And maybe, maybe change won’t hurt as much this time. Maybe even the way I change has changed!
I love that you are here and I certainly would love to hear from you.  To leave a comment go HERE !