Rejection, unkindness, silent treatment, rolling eyes, even nastiness… all coming at me once again. It hurts, and I have been told that because I can let it hurt me, our match was successful with boy 1. Our match will also be successful with boy 2.
But it really does hurt and it really is not an easy thing. And the next months will look just like that. But it will come to pass. Our first boy worked through it in amazing ways and we find ourselves now having fun, joking around and spending one on one time together. We long for that now.
Why are my emotions necessary? The boys need to see me connect with them even if I hurt because of them. I express my emotions healthily, they do know when I am hurt by their actions, yet I do not walk away, withdraw or get mean in return. For some reason this is intricate to their healing. Healthy, but difficult bonding!
I get through it because I have friends who will always receive my texts about the heaviness of it all, no matter how many of them. I get through it because Tim and I will take breaks. I get through it because friends will happily take our boys for a bit. I get through it because we did it once before, and we can do it again. I get through it because God is not silent.
One day, we will have two boys who are better at trusting people, one day we will have two boys who know what true love is, one day we will have two boys who will return home after college because bonding did happen. It is not too late and we pray God’s mighty power over all of us. We all need healing, we all need to trust, we all need to know love in better and true ways.
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Coffee for the Heart is a place where we just see ourselves sitting down for coffee and sharing, accept it is on the internet, never the less it is very real. Go HERE for more stories!