Dear Sweet Boy 2,

You have already shown so much character.  I am amazed how, an almost teenager like yourself, can put in so much effort to do the right thing, for the sake of others.

I am amazed at your effort and intuition to call me daily.  You are afraid, and you tell me that.  You are afraid of what it is ahead.  You are afraid of us, you and me.  And I understand.  I tell you that I am okay with that, I am afraid too.  You and I will have to climb some mountains together, you and I will have to overcome some thunder and lightning.  But you and I, we can do that.

You are already in my heart, and I fell in love like a momma who falls in love with her newborn baby.  I like you boy 2.  I like you a lot.  Your charisma is charming, your humor hilarious, out of that little body of yours.  You are gifted just like your big brother… you are an amazing set, the 2 of you.  My prayer is that you boys will bring out in one another all the goodness that is inside, like no other person will be able to do.  I pray you will grow to have a bond that goes so deep that it brings forth power, love, forgiveness, generosity, selflessness, and peace.  The world needs you boys.  The world needs your story.

Welcome Boy 2.  Welcome…


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Coffee for the Heart is a place where we just see ourselves sitting down for coffee and sharing, accept it is on the internet, never the less it is very real.  Go HERE for more stories!


4 comments on “Dear Sweet Boy 2,

  1. Sara

    Love!!! Together they will be love and light.

  2. Elizabeth

    Together you can. You will be going far, the 2 of you, the 2 of them, the 4 of you. With God by your side the whole long way. My soul is singing along with yours!!

  3. ank

    Tranen van blijdschap.

  4. Sasha

    Love wins! I’m so excited for your growing family. Your writing is honest, raw, and beautiful – and I thank you for sharing those emotions with us. Sending you, Tim, Oliver, and Boy 2 our prayers and love.