Celebrating big time, oh what a joy…

photo 5This past Saturday Tim and I moved!!
Now, I have moved A LOT in my life and I can tell you that moving with a husband is so different than moving as a single person.  As a single person I have always had a lot of help moving, but doing it with your spouse is a very other kind of help.  It was OUR move. The weight was just very different, Tim carrying half of the weight. I am celebrating togetherness, it was so very special and my heart was very warm because of it.
I am so joyful over this week’s experience and I count my blessing of having a husband.  I count my blessing of having such an awesome husband, taking care of things and caring about the things that matter to me.  I am grateful for a husband who worked so VERY hard this week, working on his job during the day and in the evening being committed to our new home.  I am grateful for we were such a GOOD TEAM this past week.  
We had a friend call us up after we moved in on Saturday: could he bless us with take out Indian dinner?  Well, yeahhh… When he arrived he just started laughing… “We were so together!” he said.  He thought we’d be stressed and the house would be a mess, but no, we were laughing, joyous and already settled in for the most part.  
And in luie of celebrating, here are some quick iPhone photos of Saturday…
photo 7
photo 1 photo 3photo 6
photo 8
 Our first toast in our new homephoto 4
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6 comments on “Celebrating big time, oh what a joy…

  1. Melanie Allison

    We are so thrilled for you two! Big congrats and blessings! Tom and Melanie

  2. sarahgirl3

    Yay congratulations! We are about to sell our house and it is so much work. Glad you are on the other side of it! 🙂

  3. nicki schroeder

    You moved! How exciting! And your house looks beautiful. You had it way together on those pictures too. I’m telling you, when we moved to our current home 6 years ago, our house did NOT look like that the first month or two, the fact you did that in a day…amazing! 🙂 Enjoy your home. Love the hardwood floors!

  4. Vicky

    I hadn’t heard from you in so long I had to come check on you! I pray you are doing well- settling in your beautiful new home and preparing for the start of Christmas. Merry Christmas to you!!