For years…

MaddyChristine Hope Photography-0639.LFor years THIS is the day I would arrive in the Philly area.  My yearly house sitting job would start and I was always excited about it.  I remember looking forward to some hot summery weather, finally, for in Holland summer was never a sure thing. I’d have a pool for 3 whole weeks!  I remember looking forward to spending time with my dear friend Melissa.  During the year we’d spend hours and hours on Skype, finally we’d have 3 weeks in person.  I remember looking forward to 3 Sundays in church, church in Holland was never the same.  I couldn’t wait to see deer in the yard when I’d sit down with my coffee for quiet time.  And my annual trip to Amish country and my Amish friends was another highlight.  
Today I arrived on my house sitting job.  That has not changed. But that is the only thing that didn’t change.  Instead of an 8 hour flight… it took me 40 minutes to get here today.  And I think back… back to those years where I’d house sit. Always having a great time, but also feeling somewhat alone.  Having my quiet time on the porch and my long walks in the neighborhood talking to God were precious, but I do remember talking to God about feeling alone at times.  Would I ever be here, house sitting, with a husband?  Summer after summer I’d have that ache and I truly wondered if it would ever be given to me.
It’s good to look back and remember.  It is good to look back and feel, to feel those emotions of the past for it sure makes today very sweet.  This year I am house sitting for the 2nd year WITH my husband.  Last year we had a blast.  Having a constant flow of friends popping in, sharing dinners and fun in the pool.  I will still have my quiet time on that porch, I will still go on my walks taking to God… but the ache of aloness is replaced with celebration and gratefulness, for I am here with Tim. God has been good and Tim is my true gift.
And that is not all there is to celebrate because in 2 days there is another special date.  Two years ago, on July 27th, I arrived in the States to marry my love.  It’s another sweet date that deserves thought and gratefulness.  
Maybe I will write about it some other time… but I have struggled with some darkness lately and these special dates are a sweet reminder of God’s faithfulness and loving gifts to me.  God reminds me of the new name He gave me.  There is always Hope, I can always have Hope.  In these dark days God reminds me of His goodness to me, He has never failed.  He reminds me of those house sitting days when I ached.  And He shows me how different life is today.  I am married.  Melissa and I can see one another whenever we’d like and this time I was even around when she had her baby.  The church I loved for those few weeks per year I now call home.  God is good, and although life gets tough and dark… I can have hope that the darkness will come to pass, God will heal and in the mean time I look back and remember… 
I love that you are here and I certainly would love to hear from you.  To leave a comment go HERE !



3 comments on “For years…

  1. Cheyrl

    You made me cry! So very glad you have Tim and that you are part of our extended family. I love your story and know that God is doing amazing things in you. He is working in me also!!

  2. Faith

    The Lord gave me this verse in my devotions this week–maybe it was really to share with you since it has your name in it!!! Psalm 147:11 NLT. “The Lord’s delight is in those who honor HIM, those who put their HOPE in H is unfailing love. “. I pray that in those “dark times” you will feel and trust in His unfailing love. He delights in you. Prayers, love and hugs, Mom “B”

  3. Elizabeth

    How lovely it is to read this, Maddy (and happy that I was honoured with the longer, juicier personal version via WhatsApp ;-)) Sending happy, contented thoughts and prayers your way!