A season with a reason

MaddyChristine Hope Photograpphy-1048.L

Do you have that sometimes, that you know God is doing something, you just don’t know what exactly? Well, I am currently in such a time. I am in a season for a reason. I just don’t know the outcome of this season, I don’t know where I am headed.

I have been struggling with some heart’s desires going unanswered. The one thing I desire most is to have peace. But coming to a place of peace when heart’s desires are involved is not easy. I want to be in a place that it doesn’t matter what happens. I want to be in a place where I trust God and I am okay with whatever happens, knowing that whatever the circumstances, God is present, real and faithful.

Praying for my heart’s desire


Getting my heart in such a state that it has no will of it’s own

God is constantly pointing me to Scriptures that invite me to pray and ask. He is showing me that He will listen when I ask Him for anything in line with His will. And if I know He is listening I can also be sure that He will give me what I ask for (1 John 5:14-15). He tells me to keep on asking and I will be given what I ask for. That I need to keep on looking and I will find. I need to keep on knocking and the door will be opened (Matthew 7:7). He reminds me that if sinful people know how to give good gifts, how much more will He, my Heavenly Father, know to give good gifts to me who asks (Matthew 7:11).

So I am praying… but what I desire most is peace. I want to be okay with where I am now, regardless of my heart’s desire. When I pray for my heart’s desire it seems I run the risk of merely focusing on the things I want, getting restless in the process and getting frustrated and hurt. I don’t want to merely focus on what I want.

I have been doing this Bible study called “Experiencing God”. The study is challenging me to have my heart be in a place where it has no will. That is what I want! That is what I am talking about. I want to be in that place where I trust my Father and just be at peace with my circumstances. But… that balance is not an easy one to find and thus the season.

This is a time of waiting. Thanks to my Spiritual Direction Counselor I learned something that was very new to me. The advent. The advent is a time of waiting, expectant waiting, hopeful waiting. I learned that waiting is not something passive, it is very active. And God uses a time of waiting to draw us close. Desire is something very powerful and beautiful. A lack of fulfillment is an invitation. An invitation to open up to what God has for us. A lack of fulfillment is not just pain, it tells me I am alive for I long. This is where spiritual life comes to life. I can celebrate desiring. I can celebrate waiting, and hoping, and expecting.

I am at the place where I realize the outcome is not important, it is the journey. God is doing important things on this journey… in my heart! I can say that I rejoice in this season. Although it is hard at times, really hard even, today is a day where I find my rest in knowing God has reason for this season and I have the opportunity to draw close to Him. In the end, I believe that’s what this is all about: drawing close to Him, getting to know Him better, being in relationship with Him that changes me, heals me and grows me.

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6 comments on “A season with a reason

  1. Linda Vester

    Love reading your blogs and getting a glimpse into your heart. I have done the Experiencing God study several times and each time God has used it to change me in amazing ways. I am so thankful that he does not ever leave us where we are, but continues to mold and shape us more into the likeness of Jesus. I have found that in the hardest of seasons have come the sweetest changes and even more a closer relationship with the Lord. I wish we lived closer to each other and could sit down and talk over a cup of tea. Blessings to you sweet Maddy!

    1. MaddyChristine Hope Brokopp

      Linda! Great to hear from you. Yes, wouldn’t that be sweet… sitting down over a cup of something. I would have loved to share our “Experiencing God’ experiences with one another. I love the Lord’s work. I am currently learning a lot, deep things are happening. Much love to you and thanks for being in touch!

  2. Robin Messing

    t’s so nice to hear what’s going on with you again! I am always curious to know what is happening in your life; I love how you question everything, ask for help and continue to reach out to others. I just read your past blogs so I feel like I’ve caught up a little.
    Love you! Robin

  3. Wilco koppe

    Hallo Maddy

    Dit is precies wat mij ook is overkomen, als alles goed gaat en je nergens zorgen over hoeft te maken blijf je op een afstand van god, dit heb je zelf niet in de gaten omdat het toch goed gaat, maar dan overkomt je wat en stort je wereld in, en alles wat je dan nog hebt is God en je gezin, in het begin ben je nog vol vertrouwen want God helpt je wel, maar als het dan niet beter gaat word het steeds moeilijker, nu merk ik dat ik God steeds meer ga betrekken in de dingen die ik doe, en nu is God mijn leven aan het veranderen, en heb ik zonden die voor God niet goed waren afgedaan, begin meer van mensen om me heen te begrijpen, mijn emotionele kant die ik normaal wegdrukte naar voren laat komen, kort om begin een begripvol mens te worden, die medelijden heeft voor zijn mede mens, ik begin soms van god te getuigen in gesprekken met vrienden, en geloof me dat voelt zeer goed, niet te min leef ik nog steeds in onzekerheid en weet niet wat God van mij verlangt, en weet dus ook niet of die weg die ik inga de juiste is ik bid hiervoor en probeer te vertrouwen op God, want ergens diep van binnen weet ik dat het goed komt, en het leven wat ik en mijn gezin nu lijden een leerschool is en we door moeten ( zie romeinen 8:6-8 ).

    Maddy ik kan je alleen maar zeggen blijf vertrouwen dan komt het allemaal goed.

    Veel liefs Wilco

  4. MaddyChristine Hope Brokopp

    Hi Wilco! Je schrijft veel mooie dingen. Hoe naar ook, ik ben blij dat het afgelopen jaar je deze nieuwe lessen en persoonlijke ontwikkeling brengt. Nu ik Tim heb, ben ik ook gaan inzien hoe mooi het is om terug te kunnen vallen op je gezin. Dat is wat telt en daarvoor moeten we altijd dankbaar zijn, wat er ook gebeurt dat is een cadeau.

    Heel veel liefs terug!